Wednesday 19 October 2011

Into the Wild

Last Friday I travelled next door to South Luangwa, Zambia. Did I have a good time? It is now one of my favourite places in the entire world, so yes.

South Luangwa is widely known for it's beautiful landscapes and abundance of wildlife. I was there for 4 days and I couldn't help notice how happy I was. Whether I was waking up to the sound of hippos, listening to the chirping birds, looking at elephants in their habitat for hours, feeling the adrenalin of being 3m away from a lion or crossing a crocodile infested river in a jeep, I was constantly appreciating the opportunity of being able to be in such an incredible place.

I apologise if this post is a bit too corny, but I'm still overwhelmed by this experience. I am now almost broke, but it was worth it. I got offered a job over dinner with the manager of the lodge where I stayed at- I didn't accept it but I didn't refuse it either. It's been over a month that I have been in Africa, and if my family and friends were right about "the first month will always be the hardest", I cannot wait for the next 5 months.


  1. Espectaculo! Quanto ao job, muito bem pago terá de ser para compensar o risco de andar a fazer fiosioterapia a leões...

  2. i hope you stayed FAR away from the hippos.. apparently they are volatile!

  3. i love the last photo with the giraffe's head just poking in on the bottom right hand corner haha
    its good to hear you're enjoying it so much!
    love you, Nuno xx

  4. Melhor que o Kruger.

    I got a little too close to the hippos actually. Adrenalin rush.

    And Nuno, I'm so glad you noticed the cheeky giraffe!

  5. adorei as fotos.como se diz em chichewa avó?beijinhos

  6. E agora por aqui, aproveitando mais uma vez!

    MUITOS PARABÉNS por este teu dia 25 de Outubro, por seres quem és e o que és e por me conseguires fazer uma inveja do catano com este teu blog!

    um ENORME beijo do Tomazini
