Friday 16 March 2012

Packing Advice

Looking back at how I packed for Malawi, there are things I am proud of and others that I would change if I could go back in time.

5 things I did right
- Taking clothes I like to see myself in. It's easy to fall back on stereotypes about Africa and its dress codes. Yes I was going to Africa, but no I wasn't going to a 6 month safari trip. Don't pack your suitcase with beige trousers, white shirts and army-green hats, unless that's just your regular style.
- Physiotherapy things. I took with me a little pocketbook that I could consult whenever I was in doubt. Taking my uniform was also handy, I wouldn't have wanted to wear my daily clothes to hospital every day.
- Sports gear. Why wouldn't I? I used my trainers every week. Football, tennis, jogging, Zumba, mountain climbing...
- Medication. Although I (thankfully) didn't use a fifth of the pills I took, it was comforting to know they were there. The few times that I needed them were enough to make them worth it.
- Electronic appliances. Thank GOD for technology. My iPod, my phone, my laptop.

5 things I regret

- Not taking a hoodie. We all know Africa's climate is warmer than most of the world but believe me, it gets chilly.
- If you don't wear it at home, you won't wear it at all. There were some items of clothing that I thought might be handy and appropriate for daily wear in Malawi, even though I'd never worn them in Lisbon or London. Waste of space given that they were never worn during my 6 months.
- Thinking that I won't find anything in Malawi. I must have thought I was going to the end of the world where nothing can be purchased. I packed useless things like notepads, pens, envelopes, shampoos, toothpaste, paperclips, etc.
- Kindle. Exchanging books with friends was more fun than I anticipated. Not once did I open the Kindle I took with me, and yet I always had an endless supply of books to read.
- Forgetting the little things that make me a little happier. Did my Malawi experience make me less materialistic? Maybe. Nevertheless, there are tiny superficial things that make you feel good about yourself. A pair of heels. Make-up. Nail polish. A nice watch. A fancy dress.

No doubt I'll still make mistakes next time I pack..

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