Tuesday 6 March 2012

4am and I decided to start packing.

These past 2 weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster. People reminding me how soon I'm leaving ("Oh my god, you've only got 9 days left!!"), goodbye dinners, farewell parties, departing gifts and a lot of love. It'll be hard to leave this place. Curiously enough, most people look me in the eyes and say "You... there is no way you'll be leaving Malawi for good. You'll be back one day, you'll see."

Quite honestly, I like to hear that. I'd love to come back one day, but not just yet. It's time to open new doors and start a fresh phase of my life- and the world is at my feet! So many things I want to be doing. So for now I have left my footprints in this country and will surely keep in touch with the good friends I have made.

Back to packing!

1 comment:

  1. Yes come home, it´s time!! Have a nice trip back home!! Estamos todos aqui de braços abertos para te receber!
