Sunday 4 December 2011

Just do it.

Remember my post with the newspaper article? This morning I got invited by Zasher, my footballer patient, to go to Kamuzu Stadium (the only stadium in Blantyre) to watch a football match. I discussed this with my friends, who strongly advised me not to go. Here are some of their reasons:

1. "Kamuzu Stadium has been deemed by FIFA as a having an unsafe infrastructure. In other words, it could easily collapse at any moment."

2. "Just you and your patient?! But you don't even know him."

3. "During busy matches, the stadium can SERIOUSLY overcrowd." The official stadium capacity is 32, 000 but in October 2008 it is estimated that 60, 000 gathered inside to watch the Flames, the Malawian National team. Nice n' cosy.

4. "Are you sure you want to do that? It can get pretty hectic in there. Yesterday one of the teams that played is now banned because hundreds of their fans invaded the pitch during play with missiles and everything."

5. "You're crazy."

So I decided to go.

The first thing I thought was, What can I wear that will not make me stand out? I put on a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. That should do it, easygoing and discreet. I wonder if wearing a bracelet and ring is too much? I then stopped and realised: it is definately not a bracelet and a ring that will put me on the spotlight. No matter what I wear I will still be a 22 year old Caucasian female amongst a predominantly male environment of low to middle class Malawians. Get over it.

I'm so glad I went. Zasher's pass entitled us to the VIP area of the Stadium (I'm still not sure what differentiated it from the rest of the seats) and I had a great time with him and his friends. And most importantly, I didn't feel unsafe at any point. Escom United beat Moyale by 2-1, and I left the match happy because I didn't really care who took the trophy home.


  1. Ri-me no final do teu texto tão engraçado, mas devia era ter chorado...estás a correr riscos...hum no me gusta nada!!!

  2. só tu!!!minha linda neta não achas k foi demais? contudo fez-me rir bjs

  3. that's my girl! so glad you went too ;) Miss you tons lovely Lau, Ruthie xXx
