Monday 2 January 2012

Hello blog, I've missed you.

Happy New Year!

It's been a good while since I last posted. I've essentially been away from home for almost 3 weeks-probably the best 3 weeks since I have been here. Let me give you a brief update:

17th-18th December: Rising up to 1800m, ZOMBA was Malawi's capital until 1974. Up in this plateau the weather is cool, the scenery is green and the main entertainments are walks, horse riding, eating, quad bikes, photographing and sleeping. It's the perfect get away.

19th-21st December: I can now tick off MOUNT MULANJE from my to-do list. However, I loved it so much I have un-ticked it so I can do it again and re-tick it. The 4 hours of intense mountain climbing (some points required hands and knees vertical crawling) were definately worth it once you get up there. The best views I have seen, no electricity or phone signal, no toilets, cooking in the fireplace, sleeping bags on the floor, drinking water from the stream. I could've stayed up there a whole week.

22nd-26th December: There is no better way to spend Christmas day other than swimming in MONKEY Bay, Lake Malawi. 35ºC, snorkling, eating fresh fish. A different Christmas, but only the family was lacking from this perfect day.

27th-29th December: Boat trips and drives around LIWONDE NATIONAL PARK spotting elephants, crocodiles, waterbucks, impalas, hippos, birds. Incredible park.

30th December-2nd January: Back to the Lake, but this time NKUDZI Bay and CAPE MCLEAR. You can't get enough of water skiing, boat trips and riding around in the back of a pick up truck. New Years Eve was incredible and spent in the company of good friends.
Next stop: Zimbabwe.


  1. E eu que achava que tinhas ido para aí com o intuito de ajudar...voluntariado...YAH MEU!

  2. Que beleza de paisagens e que fotos tão bem tiradas!! Maravilhoso mundo que tem tanto para nos oferecer, vê-se que estás feliz...Tu não páras miúda!!E não páras de nos fazer inveja...
    I would say, the next stop: STOP AND HOME!!

  3. Hey Laura! Era so para perceberes que estamos os 3 na sala (O gonçalo saiu, obviously) e tamos todos com o laptop a ler o teu blog e a ler alto uns aos outros os favourite quotes! looks like you're having fun, come back soon!
    P.s- Fotografias l i n d a s

  4. Nuninho- já que estou neste lado do mundo aproveito para fazer estas aventuras!

    Filipa Serraaaaano- adorava ver esse belo quadro, os 3 a lerem o meu blog. Quando voltar havemos de fazer isso todos juntos. Deal? Deal.
