Wednesday 21 September 2011


After dodging several goats on the road I finally arrived in my new home in Blantyre, Malawi. For those that are not aware, I am staying with a very warm and kind family that I already knew from my uni years in London. The couple have 3 kids, Martim (11), Mariana (8) and Mafalda (7). Upon seeing my ridiculously large amount of luggage one of them exclaimed "Oh yay! Did you bring presents?!" Nobody likes to crush a happy childs spirit, but unfortunately I did. Nevertheless, they started playing with my laptop and were soon happily dancing away to my tunes (thank GOD I never deleted those High School Musical songs).

I have a beautiful bed with wooden frames with hanging linen cloths. Although the structure is actually designed to save me from getting Malaria, its nicer to think that its purpose is to make me feel like a princess. I have now fully unpacked and although my suitcase got rummaged through (I know I didn't throw everything around and leave things open and rip things up when I packed in Maputo) I didn't actually get anything stolen off me. Thanks for that South African Airlines, I hope you enjoyed having a look through my underwear and socks.

I have not been around town yet, so for now I leave you with the only photos I have taken so far:

Blantyre airport. Seriously, that is all there is to it. Behind those green cloths there is a balcony where people wave their goodbye's and hello's.

Ghecco from the Ghetto. Laura: OMG, THAT IS DISGUSTING. Mafalda: That one is cute, but I preffer the bigger ones that are usually in your room.


  1. Boa Laura aperta o cinto e começa esta tua viagem por Malawi! Essa coisa dos bichos para mim seria o pior...mas dp habitua-mo-nos, NÃO É? Stay calm...e arranja uma catana!

  2. Ha, the airport is pretty much the same size as the one we have here in Oulu. :)

    How did you know this family, again?

  3. those high school musical songs you danced with me!
