Monday 19 September 2011

Getting intimate with Maputo

It's only when you start talking to those who have lived here that you start hearing undesirable stories. Living somewhere like Maputo you never feel safe leaving the house, yet at the back of your mind you might think "it's ok, there's policeman around". Is there though?

Scenario 1: Police stops a car. Owner of the car starts getting the documents out and as he hands them to the police he says "I'm not interested in your documents or driving license. Can you give me some change so I can go have breakfast?"
Scenario 2: Mr A walking down the street speaking on the phone. From behind a fellow grabs it off him and starts running. 10mins later Mr A's wife receives a phone call from the police informing that they have his mobile phone at the police station. Upon arrival, Mr A has to pay 1000Meticais (approximately 20-30€) in order to get his phone back. Nice little business going on between the police and the rude boys in the street.

I leave you with some photos from Maputo:
Kapulana, typical fabric from Mozambique

Feira do Artesanato
Xicalene, local's market


  1. This all sounds a lot like Nairobi! Stay safe Laura and trust your instincts xxx

  2. Yeah, trust your instincts and see as many places as you can :)

    Awesome colours in the pictures, by the way. I'm so happy for you, Laula! xx

