I was watching a story on Sky News today about evangelical churches in the UK who claim to cure HIV through God. People who have been diagnosed with this (scientifically incurable) disease register in these centres and are seen by pastors who guarantee a 100% success rate. How do they know if the patients are cured? Oh, it's obvious. "You will experience some pains in your body or have some diarrhoea, it means the HIV is coming out of your body."
There are so many aspects about this story that are completely outrageous. The false hopes. The fact that people are making money out this nonsense. Having patients ACTUALLY believing that prayers and holy water will cure them. But worst thing is that these pastors have the nerve to tell patients they are completely healed. "You've got to stop taking the medicine now. Once God forgives you the disease will definitely go." At least 6 people have now died because they stopped taking their HIV tablets.
There's another reason as to why I have decided to post about this topic. The other day I sat down for lunch and was joined by 2 pastors. We discussed different religious matters, one of them being spiritual healing. I couldn't believe my ears when I was being told, in a hospital setting, that a broken bone could be healed with prayers. No need for surgery, just prayers. I asked if they had done it before and they told me "I haven't managed yet, God only choses certain people to do that. But one day I will." It's a scary thought, how supposedly educated human beings in a century where science is developing every day, believe such... crap.
If you are interested in the Sky News article: